Monday, February 06, 2006

I am living better with less

My first book has just been published, "Give it Up! My Year of Learning to Live BetterWith Less!" in which I discuss eliminating the clutter from my life and distraction from my life.
Living on the fast track with designer shoes, cell phone in hand, I spent tons of money on things unneeded, until I learned how to pair down my life. I learned to simplify my life by giving up one thing a month. In the end, chocolate, coffee, shopping, elevators and even multitasking were stopped cold turkey for one month.
One month was enough time for me to review the habit, how much each thing meant in my life as well as giving ample time to long for the return of each item.
Today, I am still practicing the art of living with less, choosing elevators over the steps more than not, drinking only one cup of coffee per day, shopping out of necessity only and eating chocolate as a treat, not everyday.
Living with less has created an awareness for my everyday. I feel more present in the moment and less distracted. Less can truly be more.


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